Our Services

More Calls.

Would You Remember (954) 225-5669 or (954) CALL-NOW?

Imagine you are driving down the street and at a red light you see a beautiful ad on a bench for that thing...you know, that thing you were looking for all month. But right away the light changes and you have to get back on your journey...What was that number again?

Vanity Numbers work because they play on what your mind remembers better than numbers...words! RCF Telelcom's compiled reasearch has taught us that:

  • When tested Vanity Numbers show a 30% or better increase in Response Rate
  • 60% of Americans prefer to Call a Vanity Number as opposed to a numeric telephone number
  • 90% of Americans showed an incresased Recall Rate of advertising using vanity numbers

Not Avalailable to Answer? No Problem...

Sometimes you get calls at very inopportune moments. Maybe you had to leave your office, maybe the phones are down, who knows what could happen?

With our Remote Call Forwarding option you have the ability to have your beautiful Vanity number redirect to ANY PHONE ANYWHERE. Some of the available options include:

Direct callers to their destination...

Larger businesses require a little more specialization. Maybe a customer needs to talk to support, maybe they should set an appointment, maybe they need directions to one of your locations.

Members can order a directory system that would allow customers to choose who they need to call to recieve the service that they need personally. It would work something like this:

Reach clients ANYWHERE.

It's time for an upgrade...

If your webpage is older than two years it may be outdated. The mobile web is growing and just try to think of the last time you didn't look up a business' website before trusting them. If a first impression means anything at all to you, it may be time to upgrade.

We offer many innovative ways to brand your company online including:

  • Responsive Web Design - Sites that work across all screen sizes and browsers.
  • ...

Add/Like/Follow us on...

Social Media connection has been proven to not be just a passing fad. Research says that 80% of users prefer to connect to brands through Facebook and 42% of marketers say that it is essential to their business.

Let us help you stay connected with your customers in a variety of ways:

  • Facebook - More likes, better posts, more customers.
  • Twitter - Keep them updated, post frequently
  • Google Plus - Everybody uses Google, why not reach out where they congregate?
  • LinkedIn - Would you prefer a more professional approach to reaching customers?

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

Where do you show up on a Google/Bing/Yahoo search? Are you aware that there are certain practices that can really bump you up? Allow us to work our magic and make it easier for customers to find you when they're looking for help.

1-800 Candles (305) BUY-A-CAR (312) HAIR-CUT (248) MOVE-NOW

Become a household name.

Become a local celebrity...

Wasn't getting on TV always your dream? Let us help you make it a reality. We can offer spots for commercials that will reach the audience that you need it to at an affordable rate. Dont have any good ideas? Our Branding Agents aren't only nerds, we're pretty creative too and can offer help with storyboarding and finding you a high quality producer to help you create the commercial of your dreams.

TV didn't kill the Radio...

Radio commercials are a great way to reach your demographic. Whether your listening in the car or online we can help get your commercials into the ears of those who should hear it.

Redesign yourself.

Photoshop is tough...but not for us

Remember that friend you got to do your logo or business card that never really worked out how you wanted it to? We're not that guy. Our graphic designers work with you to create your vision for a variety of mediums including:

  • Logo
  • Business Cards
  • Flyers
  • Banners
  • Whatever else you can think of...

Capture the right moment...

Photography is more than just taking a picture. Our photographers take and edit high quality photos that convey just the right image for your brand. Set up an appointment and we can have your shoot ready in no time.

Marketing Packages

We like to think of our body of work as more than just a sum of its parts. The right Marketing Package can make or break your businesses advertising goals. Give us a call and we can set up exactly which components will benefit you the most and put together an advertising campaign that will have you wondering why you didn't make this decision sooner.

Give Us A Call! »